BRUCE TUCKMAN - Developmental stages of learning.
CIS - Center for Internet Security Workbench
CMS - Content Management System
DMS - Document Management System
HIPPA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
ITIL - IT Infrastructure Library practices that focuses on aligning IT services and business needs.
ITSM - IT Service Management from ITIL practices.
ITAM - IT Asset Management from ITIL practices.
MAPPING - A process of making a map that illustrates relationship, complex ideas, and delivers message.
NIST RMF - NIST Risk Management Framework
NORMALIZE - Breaking down complexity into clearly defined and actionable scope.
PII - Personally Identifiable Information
PRIORITIZE - Designating most critical activity in order of importance above other activities or event.
REALIZE- Understanding what resources are required and its impact.
R&D - Research and Development.
RQMTS - Requirements
SCOPE - Learn the extent and range of the subject matter area.
SEC. 508 COMPLIANT - Section 508 Training
SELF-REINFORCE - Act on self strengthening to sustain its entity of purpose.